SBS Training Database and SBS Ground Control have comprehensive Self-Paced Training modules. This feature allows a company to design training content that may be uniformly deployed across the organization using standard Office software, embedded videos, or external training documents. A quiz may also be created to measure training effectiveness with pass/fail criteria.
The SBS Inspection Database is designed to capture data for incoming inspection, final inspection, and in process inspection. Establish an inspection plan with control limits and spec limits. Schedule inspections, collect and store data, perform statistical analysis, export data for additional analysis.
The SBS Quality Database is a simple, inexpensive, ISO 9001 compliant software program that allows small businesses to efficiency manage the Quality Management System or QMS. The database tracks corrective actions, preventive actions (CAPA), internal audits, safety improvement, supplier corrective actions, continual improvement projects. Compile and analyze Customer Survey results. Identify and minimized risk using the risk management module (FMEA & SWOT analysis) . Document QMS review meetings and results. Define context of the organization and risks and opportunities for interested parties. Manage Environmental Health and Safety Issues with a safety incident tracker and job hazard assessment. Use the dashboard for a quick view of the overall performance. Cloud based or locally installed options are available. The program is ideal for small businesses striving for ISO 9001, API Q1, AS9100, or ISO/TS 16949 compliance. Free demo downloads are available from our website so you may try before your buy.
The SBS Asset Tracking Database is an ISO 9001 compliant program to track and control calibration and preventive maintenance schedules and cost. It also tracks unscheduled maintenance providing a “fix-it-ticket” to clearly label equipment in need of repair. Reports show when calibration or maintenance is due or near due. Calibration certificates may be scanned and electronically linked for a completely paperless system. Dashboard view to focus on compliance issues. Cloud based or locally installed options are available.
SBS Training Database is an ISO 9001 compliant program used to track employee roles and responsibilities, position training requirements, certification, re-certification, and training classes or events. Simple reports show when recertification is due or nearly due. Record and manage instructor-led and self-paced employee training. Reports employee training history for periodic evaluations or reviews. Scan and link class rosters, certification checklists, and test results to create an efficient paperless system. Measure training effectiveness with a click of a button. Allows employees to complete self-paced training (i.e. reading documents and presentation-based training materials), take a quiz and fulfill training requirements with a passing score. Cloud based or locally installed options are available. Great for small companies striving for ISO 9001 compliance.
SBS Vendor Management is a simple, affordable tool used to manage suppliers or vendors. Develop qualification plans, record qualification results, and maintain your AVL or Approved Vendor List. Establish criteria for selection, evaluation and re-evaluation of suppliers. A rich set of reports is available to highlight qualification gaps and delinquencies. Cloud based or locally installed options are available. The program is ideal for small businesses striving for ISO 9001 and AS9100 compliance.
SBS Ground Control is an ISO 9001 compliant program used for Document Control and Employee Training Management. Manage the complete document lifecycle of any electronic file with electronic signatures and a simple workflow. Trigger training requirements for new document revisions. Track employee roles and responsibilities, position training requirements, certification, re-certification, and training classes or events. Empower employees to complete self-paced training requirements. Simple reports show when recertification is due or nearly due. Reports employee training history for periodic evaluations or reviews. Document instructor-led and self-paced employee training. Scan and link class rosters, certification checklists, and test results to create an efficient paperless system. Cloud based or locally installed options are available. Measure training effectiveness with a click of a button. Great for small companies striving for ISO 9001 compliance.
SBS Quality Management Software tools enable efficient compliance to ISO 15189. ISO 15189:2012 specifies requirements for quality and competence in medical laboratories. ISO 15189 can be used by medical laboratories in developing their quality management systems and assessing their own competence. It can also be used for confirming or recognizing the competence of medical laboratories by laboratory customers, regulating authorities and accreditation bodies. SBS Quality Management Software tools: SBS Product Key Features T-Med Database · Maintain training records · Record certification and re-certifications · Evaluate training effectiveness · Email delinquency notices · Manage training compliance · CFR 21 part 11 compliant Q-Med Database · Manage corrective actions (CARs) – Safety and Supplier CARs (SCARs) · Manage preventive actions (PARs) · … Continue reading ISO 15189
KEY FEATURES Develop Vendor qualification plans Record Vendor qualification results Maintain your Approved Vendor List (AVL) Establish criteria for selection, evaluation and re-evaluation of suppliers Link electronic files (paperless system) Rich set of reports User login: define user passwords and privileges BENEFITS Build a simple and efficient Quality Management System (QMS) Comply with standard Purchasing requirements Efficient and cost effective A vital tool to ensure ISO 9001:2015, AS9100, ISO/TS 16949, API Q1 compliance Paperless system
KEY FEATURES Control of Calibrated Equipment Recall Report for “Out of Cal” Equipment Preventive Maintenance Schedules Track Unscheduled Maintenance Generate Fix-It-Tickets Control Miscellaneous Assets User login: define user passwords and privileges BENEFITS A Vital Tool to Ensure ISO 9001:2015 Compliance Build a simple and efficient Quality Management System (QMS) Efficient and Cost Effective Paperless System
DOCUMENT CONTROL & EMPLOYEE TRAINING MANAGEMENT Complete document life cycle management Controls any electronic document including Microsoft Office files: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, AutoCAD, SolidWorks Control document releases Electronic signature approvals are recorded Document Index New document revisions trigger training requirements Simple, effective reports Measure the effectiveness of your document control system Manage employee Training Records Define Job Descriptions / Roles and Responsibilities Define Training requirements Manage a Training Schedule Certification Requirements Re-Certification Requirements Supports self-paced (CBT) and instructor-led training Email Reports directly to affected employees BENEFITS A vital tool to ensure ISO 9001:2015, AS9100, and ISO/TS 16949, API Q1 compliance Efficient and cost effective Simple document life cycle management Build a simple and efficient Quality Management System (QMS) The … Continue reading Ground Control
Founded in 2004, Sunday Business Systems provides cost effective quality management software and training services to improve compliance to quality standards such as ISO 9001, AS9100, TS16949, ISO 13485, ISO 14001, and API Q1. SBS provides QMS (Quality Management System) software solutions for: Document control Corrective and preventive action management Risk management (FMEA / SWOT) Non-conformance tracking Audit Management Control of calibrated equipment Employee training management Supplier management Preventive Maintenance Control of Calibrated Equipment Inspection Data management, control plans, and SPC Environmental Management System compliance (ISO 14001 EMS) Occupational Health and Safety (OH&S) Management System compliance (ISO 45001 OH&S) Context of the organization including interested parties Business Continuity Planning In addition to our standard products, we use our extensive manufacturing … Continue reading About Us